Shakespeare's Spotify

your one-stop shop to specially shakespearean-inspired curated playlists, for any mood You (or the bard) may be in

A Winter’s Tale

A holiday playlist to listen to while walking through “Snowball Fights and Christmas Crackers on Christmas Morning,” a lighting design at the SOTS site, co-designed by Katie Blackburn-Dust and youth ambassadors from the Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital here in Saskatoon, SK, Canada.



created to celebrate the launch of 9 Mile Legacy Brewing and Blackbridge Brewery’s Shakespeare-inspired beer, “Two Households.”

if you were meeting up with william shakespeare to have a couple of beers at the local pub, this is the kind of music that would be playing.


sneaking into capulets’ ball

created for the 2023 production of The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo + Juliet, directed by Kayvon Khoshkam.

this playlist feels like you’re trying to get into the year’s biggest party — a masquerade ball at the capulets. everyone’s invited… except the montagues. well, being a montague has never stopped you and your band of misfit cousins before….what harm could one little party do, anyway?


napping in arden’s forest

created for the 2023 production of As You Like It, directed by Jamie King. 

this playlist feels like you’ve just escaped the stuffy, restrictive, fast-paced life of court, and out in arden’s forest, things are slow…peaceful. you lay beneath the large leaves of a tall oak tree and listen to the sounds of a bubbling brook. all is well.


h2 heading goes here

h3 sub-heading goes here

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