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Since 1985, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan has been producing the works of Shakespeare on the banks of the South Saskatchewan River. We aim to not only entertain, but also to help our community. In turn, we are grateful for the support that we receive from the community — in whatever form that support and sponsorship comes in. Whether you want to help support our Festival Season, a Beyond the Stage Event, or a School Program, we are thankful for the help we receive to continue producing the works of Shakespeare well into the future. 

Do you and your business want to be apart of the magic? We want to hear from you! 

Our Marketing Team is ready to work with you and your company to find a partnership that benefits you! In return for your support, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan is ready to offer you great benefits such as free and/or discounted Festival or Special Events Tickets, promotion on our social media pages and website, and acknowledgement in our Festival program!  

Our Donors

Donors to Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan Festival ensure that players get to act, directors get to direct, and patrons get to enjoy. We are incredibly grateful to our donors, and would like to acknowledge the support of: 

Our sponsors

Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan Festival can only be as successful as the fantastic sponsors and partners that help support us each year. We gratefully acknowledged the support and assistance of: